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Members Information

Dorset Area Volunteer Roles Available
We are currently looking for members to take on the roles listed below. If you are interested, would like more information or have any questions please contact the .

- Web Master. This role involves the Dorset Area of the Ramblers website, which you are looking at now, two subsidiary websites and the Dorset page on the Ramblers' website. We need someone who can manage all aspects of the websites. We also need a website editor, a role that could be undertaken by the Web Master.

Area Annual General Meeting

The 2024 AGM will again be held at Broadmayne Village Hall.

The 49th Annual General Meeting for Ramblers Dorset Area was held at 11.00 am on Saturday the 18th November, 2023
at Broadmayne Village Hall. Here is a copy of the agenda and notes. The motion described in the notes was carried. And now you can see the agreed Dorset Area Annual Report for 2023.

The 48th Dorset Area AGM for 2022 was held on Saturday 26th November at Broadmayne Village Hall. Vacancies as above remain unfilled although two more individual members were appointed. Various exhibits and information about the Ramblers' activities and roles were available before the AGM. Here is the 2022 Dorset Area Annual Report.

For enquiries about documents from previous Annual General Meeting see contacts page for Area Secretary e-mail address.

Dorset Area Constitution

Area Council Constitution Jan 2021

Area Council Meetings

Since Covid 19, Area meetings have been held electronically using Zoom. The situation may be revisited at some point. (Formerly meetings occurred at least twice a year in March and September at the Colliton Club, Dorchester). For further information please contact the Area Contact using the Contact page.

Area Footpath Committee

Meetings are held via Zoom in the winter, and face-to-face in the summer. For 2024, the arrangements are: Zoom: Thursdays Feb 15th and Nov 21st In person: Drax Hall Fridays May 17th and Aug 16th. Anyone wishing to attend as an observer should contact Area Footpath Secretary, see the Contact page.

Dorset Footnotes
Normally Dorset Footnotes is published 3 times a year for members of Ramblers Groups within the Dorset area. Electronic versions go to most members but some members receive a printed edition by post.

Previous edition of Footnotes: WEB Footnotes Winter 2024

Current edition of Footnotes: WEB Footnotes Summer 2024